If you are passionate about gardening and caring for your garden decor, lack of sunlight do not have to prevent you from behind the entrance to your basement into a colorful garden, too. All you have to do is use the space available to shade-loving plants or hardy climbers. When we talk about the beautiful plants, comfortable, wooden benches, vibrant flowers and a different accessories, we usually assume we are also talking about decorating our outdoor garden. But that should not always be the case. Let's see how you can create a most beautiful park in the basement.

Most of us have, at one point, looking down at a small basement as we walked along the city streets to see a garden full of leaves and flowers. Sufficient evidence that with the right plants and even the dark, shady corner could be a bright splash of color is ready to combine all types of garden decor. Basement will likely have a very calm position, the ideal area for growing shade-tolerant trees with attractive foliage that will form a verdant backdrop throughout the year. Conifers or small box in the bath can be trimmed as a Topiary to provide an interesting shape. Includes some flowering shrubs as well, such as early spring-blooming Camellia and later, sweet-scented Mexican orange with small white flowers. Many hydrangeas will stand with a canopy and reward you with a big head, pink, white, blue or wine-red flowers in summer. If you are looking to make a cheap garden decor you should consider it to grow flowers and certain plants, like they are really cheap and very easy to find in the garden in your area.

You also need to use the wall surrounding the basement for your big advantage. Plants here will receive more light and perhaps even see the sun. Paint the walls white to help reflect the light that is available. You can even view the display with the paintings of imaginary arch or door in the wall, climbers on the vine training-eye around it and then painting in the long view through the open "door". A mirror, strategically placed, can also add light. This is how you start making your own garden decor at the front of the house when the light is poor. There is always a lot of options without having to worry about the lack of sunlight.

Climber is the first choice for the walls. Many of them enjoy the shade and roots in their heads in the sun so it will grow well in large containers in the basement. Mix flowering climbers such as Clematis and Roses to provide decorative garden feel to the main entrance. Consider growing trees such as Ivy and Honeysuckle. This will help to cover the walls in winter.

There are many things you already use them to decorate the outside of the park can also be applied to the entrance of the basement. Include a stone and gravel in the shape or color and attractive wood pieces wrinkles. A stone statue will add elegance - or you could even line up gnome side step. Whatever the choice of garden decor, there are always many choices for you to choose from even with the lack of sunlight.